Card featuring Spellbinders Amazing Paper Grace Filigree Glimmer Wreaths

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9 thoughts on “Card featuring Spellbinders Amazing Paper Grace Filigree Glimmer Wreaths

  1. Karen in Florida

    Another stunning project! I love the little deer!
    You are amazing!

    1. Tara Brown

      Hi Karen! Thank you thank you! I love working with pink – it’s my favorite! I’m so glad you like this little card. I am so grateful for your comments as they continue to inspire me very much. Have a great day! Tara

  2. Maryann Laursen

    WOW another stunning creation here Tara. I just love your gorgeous work always. No matter what is put in your hands, it ends out in such amazing and beautiful creations every time. Stunning work well done.

    1. Tara Brown

      Hi Maryann, I always love hearing from you! Thank you for your comments which are faithful and always provide me with inspiration! You are so very kind and thoughtful! Have a great day! Tara

  3. patriciamanhire

    This is so beautiful!! I love your colours and the little deer is just so cute!!

    1. Tara Brown

      Thank you Patricia for your kindness.

  4. Linda A Hale

    All of your creations are so beautiful. I love them all. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Tara Brown

      Hi Linda, A heartfelt thank you

  5. adriana

    Que hermosos tus trabajos, cuanta delicadeza, dedicación y buen gusto, te admiro.

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